FBC Holdings – Results of the Twentieth AGM held on 27 June 2024

By Published On: July 9th, 2024Categories: AGM, Corporate announcement

The Board of Directors of FBC Holdings Limited is pleased to announce the results of the Twentieth Annual General Meeting held in the Main Lounge, Royal Harare Golf Club, 5th Street Extension, Harare, on Thursday, 27 June 2024 at 1500 hours.

1. Resolution to receive, consider and adopt the financial statements and the reports of the directors and auditors of the Company for the financial year ended 31 December 2023. PASSED
2. Resolution to sanction the dividend paid PASSED
3.1 3.1 Resolution to re-elect Mr. Gary Collins to the Board.

3.2. Resolution to re-elect Mr. Canada Malunga to the Board.

3.3. Resolution to re-elect Mr. Rute Moyo to the Board.

3.2 Resolution to confirm the appointment of Mr. Abel Magwaza to the Board PASSED
4. Resolution to approve the remuneration of the Directors PASSED
5. Resolution to approve the remuneration of the auditors, KPMG Chartered Accountants and to re-appoint them. PASSED
6. Resolution to purchase the Companys own shares. PASSED


By Order of the Board

Tichaona Mabeza
Company Secretary

6th Floor, FBC Centre
45 Nelson Mandela Avenue

9 July 2024

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